One of the most effective methods of reducing radon levels is a sub-slab depressurization system. These systems consist of a radon fan mounted on the exterior of the building or in the attic of the residential property. The fan then connects to a series of piping throughout the structure that vents the radon and disperses it into the atmosphere, which reduces the overall radon level present.
If you are interested in a radon reduction solution for your home or building, call 215-674-1808 today. We will be happy to assist you!
Every radon reduction system we offer at Insight Property Services has been designed according to the EPA protocols and is guaranteed to reduce radon levels in any structure. The average cost for these types of systems is usually between $1000.00 and $1,500.00 with several variables being considered in every case.
Ed Schluth has installed thousands of dependable radon reduction systems in the Bucks and Montgomery counties to reduce radon, even in the most severe cases.
Reach out to Insight Property Services today for all of your Inspection and Radon mitigation needs.
We have the knowledge and the experience to assist you, so don't hesitate to contact us today!
Insight Property Services Bucks County, PA